Dental Clinics in 16701

Find dental clinics in or around 16701 below. If we have a clinic in the zip you searched, we list it. We also list area zip code clinics.

Active Listings near 16701

Bradford Dental Center

Bradford Dental Center

600 Chestnut St
Bradford, PA - 16701
(814) 362-8478

Hours: tuesday through friday 8:00 a.M. - 6:00 p.M., by appointment dental screening, routine dental cleaning, preventative care, restorative care, fluoride treatments and patient educa click here to view full description

Mt. Jewett Health Center - Dental Clinic Services

Mt. Jewett Health Center - Dental Clinic Services

122 West Main St.
Mt. Jewett, PA - 16743
(814) 975-1195

Hours: monday, tuesday, thursday 7:30 a.M. - 4 p.M., wednesday 7:30 a.M. - 6 p.M., friday 8 a.M. - 2 comprehensive exams fluoride treatments root canals dental crowns & bridges prof click here to view full description